Thanks for expressing your opinion. You seem to not have noticed that I was rather disparaging of both Biden and Harris. I am an equal opportunity basher I guess. I am no longer calling myself a registered democrat but that by no means implies I am a republican. Not by any stretch in fact, over my dead body! But there's too much low hanging fruit in your words for me to start a tit for tat senseless argument. i used my right to express my opinions and beliefs and so did you. Bravo to us both even if we only agree to disagree and trust me, I vehemently disagree with you. But having said that, I'd love to reconvene in oh, say, a year or two years and see if you still have the same opinion!

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Yeah, I got a problem. Take this for instance, "A psychopath and or a sociopath is someone who amongst other things, has a lack of empathy and remorse and who ignores the feelings of others, is incapable of compassion, are manipulative, extremely impulsive, deceitful, lacks any kind of consequential thinking and has no interest in right or wrong and usually makes all relationships purely transactional. This is our president and his cronies."

Actually, that is our most recent president, Joe Biden. You have everything upside down. Biden and his crime family (What were they selling to China, Russia, Ukraine... that brought in millions of unreported dollars, not taxed?) Trump is and has been a international business man. He builds hotels and golf course mostly here in America, but overseas too. So, yes, he had business dealings overseas, but at least we all know that any money he received was for the construction of five star hotels and resorts. Again, what was Biden selling? Seems like China got pretty much whatever they wanted. Example: They got to fly their spy balloon, actually, likely many spy balloons, over our country, hoovering up all kinds of intel before, due to pressure from patriotic citizens, he was forced to have it shot down. But we all know that the info the China stole was relayed in real time back to Beijing.

Anyway, there are so many examples of the Biden crime family that I'm not going to bother to type it all out here. In case you haven't processed this yet, more than half of the country voted to put Trump back in office because even life-long democrats, and I know many of them, could see the harm the last bunch of criminals were doing to our country.

One last point. I usually refrain from getting too political on here. But more and more I see posts like yours where people tear into their fellow citizens and trash their candidate or party or platform, or ideals, morals ... assuming that 95% of the people on here will agree with them.

Just so you know, a lot of us do not.

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