You got a problem with what I say, good. At least it shows you have a pulse. If you like what I say, let's do something about what's happening. "When you ain't got nothin', you got nuthin' to lose"
The key to being a good liar is believing the lies you tell. A pathological liar lies compulsively, even when lying might not accomplish anything. They do it just because they can. They also accuse others of the lies they themselves are committing. A psychopath and or a sociopath is someone who amongst other things, has a lack of empathy and remorse and who ignores the feelings of others, is incapable of compassion, are manipulative, extremely impulsive, deceitful, lacks any kind of consequential thinking and has no interest in right or wrong and usually makes all relationships purely transactional. This is our president and his cronies. Trump, whose tactics are so basic, so unvarnished, childish, and extremely embarrassing, has overwhelmed and confused the people in government that they don’t know how to respond. Trump is given too much credit, given too much respect and because he is a bully, I guess people are afraid to challenge him. One day, sooner than later he will be dead but the damage he has inflicted will continue on. “I need the kind of generals Hitler had…” Is that what you all want? Even Ronald Reagan who wanted to make ketchup “a strained vegetable” did not take things to the extremes we are witnessing right now. Back then he and his friends just used the crack epidemic to justify imprisoning thousands upon thousands of mostly Black and Spanish men, hitting them with inhuman sentences for so much as having a bag of crack in their pocket. What we have now is that on steroids times a million. Illegal deportation of actualk American citizens because of the color of their skin will happen like it did in the 1950s mark my words. Do you not think that lunatics like Elon Musk harbor in their psychotic brains dreams of becoming president themselves one day? Especially now that “Citizenship” no longer seems to mean what it once did. We are in the middle of the equivalent of a fucking coup. He is illegally accessing the private information of millions and millions of people right now. They are locking out civil servants to replace them with who knows what. Is anyone awake? You all want to shout:”They can’t do that, it’s against the law.” or “He’ll never do that, he’s just posturing and blustering. No one is that sick or that crazy.” And how, and I have been asking this since I was old enough to understand what's going on, HOW do less well off people repeatedly vote for a billionaire who has “succeeded” by lying and cheating and inheriting a fortune that itself was ill gotten? Because he (Trump) represents what they think a rich person is? Is that what a rich person has to be in order to be rich, be a scumbag? What is it that they find so admirable about a guy who clearly has never had to do any real work a day in his life, who has never endured anything like the hardships and trials that most of us must undergo? How can any woman in her right mind vote for a man who clearly has absolutely no respect for women? How can any of us vote for a guy who thinks people like Putin and Kim Jung Un are good examples of leadership? And let's talk about retribution. Threatening, attacking and planning on attempting to arrest the people who speak out against him is ok? I’m the last person who will say that “American Democracy” has been a working, functioning, successful model of government but what is happening now is a dictatorial, kleptocratic oligarch-ial, monarchical fascist regime that will not give up power in four years even if Trump is senile or dead. We are only a small number of days into his “reign” and already more chaos has ensued then he created in four years. Are there really 70-75 million people in this country who agree with him? I wonder how many of them already regret voting for him and I wonder how many young people who didn’t vote at all think that was a good decision now. Biden and or Harris were not good choices, no doubt, but their brand of neoliberalism makes what’s happening now look insanely mild by comparison, their support of the massacre in Gaza, etc. not withstanding. And don’t even try to call me anti-semitic cuz that’s got nothing to fucking do with it. People complain about taxes and regulations when they seem to forget the fact that without tax dollars and without regulations people like Trump and Musk will run roughshod over this country, correction, are running roughshod, getting ready to rape and pillage all of our natural resources to line the pockets of a few billionaires and to “balance the budget, reduce the government deficit because really now, that’s the single biggest issue in the world. If the US gov. reduced its debt, people would all suddenly have a place to live and not have to buy eggs that cost a dollar a piece and would have health insurance and all the wars would end. Deregulation leads to states like Texas having rolling blackouts during heatwaves and paying crypto mining companies to not mine and still people vote for political leaders who do nothing but make shit like this common place. People need to grow a set and step up to the plate and learn and care about local politics and maybe even run for office themselves. People are too worried about themselves and too unwilling to make sacrifices that don’t have immediate benefits for themselves. Selflessness no longer exists. Giving money to Gaza refugees or LA fire victims is fine and noble but honestly doesn’t change a thing in the big picture. It may satisfy your guilt for a minute and make you feel like you’re contributing to a cause but that’s not enough. Reacting to a disaster is very different than being proactive and trying to stop something before it happens. The southern states that complain about federal government restrictions are the first to come running for FEMA dollars when yet another natural disaster destroys their states. And now even FEMA is the enemy. Who are the people that believe this bullshit? Do you think that Batman is a real person too? The difference between Trump and Musk and guys like Zuckerberg, Bezos and Brin and Page is that while Trump and Musk are straight up psychopaths and malignant narcissists who get off on all the attention and power they can accrue while the other billionaires being somewhat more subtle have realized that they can accrue power and wealth and get away with what they do but remain in the background thus becoming lower key power brokers committing their own atrocities under the rubric of the existing laws with manipulation and lobbyists and using their lawyers and PR people to do their dirty work. But even they are swearing fealty to Trump. They are just positioning themselves like Russian oligarchs did when Putin seized power.
What is lost in all this is that what made this country so powerful is the simple fact that we have welcomed everyone in, all those huddled masses and it was their gratitude and willingness to sacrifice for their children and their new country that made us the United States and that our strength is in our differences not in having created an all male, all white, all christian echo chamber. Does that mean I am a fan of fundamental Islam? Do I think women should be forced to completely cover their bodies when going into public places, not be allowed to work or read or listen to music? Of course not. Do I think that we should allow illegal immigrants to flood our southern border and do nothing about it? Of course not. But using things like these for talking points to say that the country is dying and being overrun is pure bullshit. The sad truth is that the majority of criminals and rapists that Trump tries to scare us with are born IN THIS COUNTRY. In fact, his entire cabinet is littered with them!!! They are going to have to distribute antabuse to everyone in the cabinet if they want to make sure they all show up for work after spending their nights beating their wives and or raping random women they have met in bars. They aren't walking through deserts and swimming across rivers covered with barbed wire. They are born here in a society that does not give a flind fuck about those who are not as well off, those who don’t get the same opportunities to succeed. Freezing federal funding for health care programs around the world via WHO is literally going to kill people. It is comparable to Putin killing off his criminals by getting them to fight in a heinous war. And don’t forget, just because we got a temporary respite via the courts, don;’t assume your medicaid , food stamps, veterans benefits, HIV programs, etc. are safe. They are still in grave peril. You think the price of your groceries are going to go down with tariff’s? You can’t be that dumb can you?
The way to fix the issues that resulted in Trump becoming president is by building people homes to live in, schools that actually teach our young people, by valuing the people who do the teaching and respecting and caring for our environment. Not burning books and preaching about Jesus and punishing and arresting and terrorizing medical professionals for treating women who could die in childbirth. Now, the only way to respond to what is happening is to fight back. Whatever it takes people. This is not a drill this is not a game a joke a fantasy a passing fancy or a dream. This is our reality. No, I’m not encouraging outright violence because I abhor violence but if you think people won’t die because of what’s happening you are delusional. I’m sorry.
It’s not a political issue anymore, it's a survival issue. Sure it’s great that Musk wants us to go to Mars. Go ahead, Elon. I hope you are the first human to set foot on the red planet buddy. This doesn't give you license to destroy the environment here or run your companies like an emperor where your employees have no rights. Your companies have benefited more from government tax breaks than maybe any other in the history of the US and still you want more and yet you scream about the deficit when you in fact are helping to widen it. What has been lost is the desire for the greater good for the greatest number of people. This endless screaming and crying about “personal freedom” has resulted in a society where Instagram likes and the right to put a bump stock on your gun are more important than making sure our subways work and that people have roofs over their heads, that our children can get a good education and go to college without it costing them 500,000$ for four years. It's funny but here in New York city the people I hear complaining the most seem to be people that I would call pretty well off. They either come from wealthy families or have jobs in finance or tech or crypto. They are not living paycheck to paycheck, not worrying about healthcare for their kids. They only seem to care about themselves. Sure, this is a generalization but it’s real. It’s all the fault of the government. Blame the government. It's the fault of democrats. Who’s running the government now? Is Pelosi or Schumer taking your rights away? Oh my god there’s illegal immigrant mothers selling candy on the subways. They make me feel unsafe. Does anyone ever bother to wonder how they got to that point? Does anyone care? Are any of you selling candy on a fucking subway to feed your kid? I doubt it. I’m not really sure what they are all so upset about. There's no disruption in the supply chain affecting their consumption of White Claw. You want individual freedom, you need to make sacrifices. We don't all just exist in our own private bubbles. It is easier to sit around and hate and spew lies and disinformation online than it is to attempt to come up with solutions that will benefit us all. Since the right has become so extreme the left has simply shifted to the right and moved into the vacuum created and quietly supported policies that once upon a time would be considered to be conservative. The titles Democrat and Republican have no meaning anymore. Democrats are now republicans and republicans are now fascists. Both have been subsumed by neoliberal think tank policy makers. It seems to me that only entities that have absolute freedom are the multinational corporations, the banks, the oil companies, and the big tech companies. And of course the billionaires now running our government. They can do whatever they want, the consequences be damned. When you can just pay a billion dollar fine and keep doing what you're doing, something is seriously wrong. I am seeing before my eyes come to life the stories I once read in science fiction novels as a kid, of dystopian planets ruled by fascist governments in a cold, cold universe. People no longer seem to care about other people. People seem to think that our planet is an inexhaustible resource that can be perpetually raped and pillaged without consequence. People think that the apocalypse and superhero movies they watch are more real than real life , that we live in a world that is black and white where no nuance can possibly exist. This whole bullshit about being “Base” I find appalling. Bunch of little bitches if you ask me. And “woke”? Yes there are plenty of self righteous so called “libtards” running around who really have no clue what they are talking about but I’m “woke” because I think this country is filled with racist, sexist power mongers? Because I think slavery is real and 6 million jews were killed in WW2? I get it if you are dissatisfied with people like Joe Biden and the continuation of the neoliberal bullshit we have been living in since the end of WW2. But to turn to a guy like Trump instead? Just admit that you're a fascist while you're at it. Cheating? Who's the one who is cheating? Maybe if we didn't think it was a good idea to allow candidates to raise a billion dollars to run for president we might have a more fair election. Again, deregulation leads to insanity just as much as any over regulation can do. How can ANYONE respect a president who claims if he doesn't win it’s because the other side cheated before we even voted? Technological “progress” has deliberately made us jaded, checked out, lazy, selfish and uncaring. I mourn for what I see as the deflated spirit of Millenials and Gen Z. I’m not saying I’m a hippie but I am horrified by the lack of care and concern I witness on a daily basis for every living creature on this planet. We take everything we have in this country for granted. Imagine living in Gaza or Ukraine right now. Lying your way to the presidency is neither noble nor “American”. Neither is selling bibles with your name on them that are made in China. The presidency for Trump is purely personal, it’s all about him and not at all about the rest of us. Spreading disinformation and blatant lies in order to accomplish your agenda is not noble or American. Selling shit while you are president is the epitome of the snake oil salesman. Do we really want a snake oil salesman to be our president? Lying is not exercising your right to freedom of speech. Spewing hatred and bigotry is not what the first amendment was created for. When it comes to actual policy ideas he comes up with slogans like “Drill baby, drill.” Nevermind the fact that we are already drilling for more oil and gas than we EVER have before. In fact we have been the biggest producer of crude oil for six years straight. And the biggest exporter of natural gas. How much more drilling can we do? How much more destruction of our public lands, national parks and wildlife will we condone just to make a bunch of oil companies even richer than they already are? Do you really think this will result in the price of gasoline going down? Thanks to multiple wars and the potential for a war with China the military/industrial complex is doing better than ever. We are opening factories left and right to make shells and missiles and lasers and who knows what else and meanwhile we get all of our satellites from Elon Musk. We are dangerously reliant on a privately funded and run megalomaniac owned company who now has access to the government payment systems and all the personal info therein. Are the democrats doing anything about it? If Harris was such a great candidate how come I havent heard a peep out of her? Or Biden? He just biding his time? We may no longer have boots on the ground but we are financing and profiting from endless violence all over the planet. And I’m no pacifist and definitely not an isolationist. And have we not proven that “trickle down” economics doesn't work for anyone but the one percent? How can anyone who isn't filthy rich think that this is a good idea? Are we that ignorant, deluded or just that plain stupid? Even though our “founding fathers” were slave owners and misogynists I doubt they would support the blithering idiocy of a guy named Donald Trump. Let’s try injecting some bleach…hmmmm. Checking out cannot be an option. Instead of numbing yourself through social media, try immersing yourself in something that actually makes you uncomfortable. Without risk, without making ourselves in some way vulnerable, we become static and when we exist in a state of inertia we inevitably move backwards. This is 2025 not 1954 not 1839 not 1939. You want an American Kristallnacht? If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything. I’m tired of living in a world of lies, a world of misinformation, false narratives, co-opted events. Me myself, I’m going out in a BLAZE OF STORY even if I have to do it all alone.
Thanks for expressing your opinion. You seem to not have noticed that I was rather disparaging of both Biden and Harris. I am an equal opportunity basher I guess. I am no longer calling myself a registered democrat but that by no means implies I am a republican. Not by any stretch in fact, over my dead body! But there's too much low hanging fruit in your words for me to start a tit for tat senseless argument. i used my right to express my opinions and beliefs and so did you. Bravo to us both even if we only agree to disagree and trust me, I vehemently disagree with you. But having said that, I'd love to reconvene in oh, say, a year or two years and see if you still have the same opinion!
Yeah, I got a problem. Take this for instance, "A psychopath and or a sociopath is someone who amongst other things, has a lack of empathy and remorse and who ignores the feelings of others, is incapable of compassion, are manipulative, extremely impulsive, deceitful, lacks any kind of consequential thinking and has no interest in right or wrong and usually makes all relationships purely transactional. This is our president and his cronies."
Actually, that is our most recent president, Joe Biden. You have everything upside down. Biden and his crime family (What were they selling to China, Russia, Ukraine... that brought in millions of unreported dollars, not taxed?) Trump is and has been a international business man. He builds hotels and golf course mostly here in America, but overseas too. So, yes, he had business dealings overseas, but at least we all know that any money he received was for the construction of five star hotels and resorts. Again, what was Biden selling? Seems like China got pretty much whatever they wanted. Example: They got to fly their spy balloon, actually, likely many spy balloons, over our country, hoovering up all kinds of intel before, due to pressure from patriotic citizens, he was forced to have it shot down. But we all know that the info the China stole was relayed in real time back to Beijing.
Anyway, there are so many examples of the Biden crime family that I'm not going to bother to type it all out here. In case you haven't processed this yet, more than half of the country voted to put Trump back in office because even life-long democrats, and I know many of them, could see the harm the last bunch of criminals were doing to our country.
One last point. I usually refrain from getting too political on here. But more and more I see posts like yours where people tear into their fellow citizens and trash their candidate or party or platform, or ideals, morals ... assuming that 95% of the people on here will agree with them.
Just so you know, a lot of us do not.