TYRANNY EQUALS fear and compliance and silence
Freedom requires making your voice heard, standing up for your rights, taking risks, being uncomfortable and being selfless. You want to have personal freedom? Fight for the freedom of all and you will have personal freedom.
Donald Trump is disgusting. But we already knew that. He has declared himself king. “WE are federal law, ” he said. Threatening the governor of Georgia is an invitation to civil war. If we let ourselves be ruled by tyranny, by threats, by brute force, we are seriously fucked. Believe his words. He is far too dumb for subtlety. As far as I know, Musk was not on the ballot and I don’t need some nut job waving around a chainsaw digging through my private information with a bunch of 22 year old zealots (No offense to 22 year olds in general!). I guarantee you the majority of this country does not agree with what is happening yet the majority of this country is not willing to do anything about it. Pressure your elected officials. HARD. Betraying Ukraine IS A HEINOUS ACT that will go down in infamy. A US/RussiaN alliance will never succeed and likely will only end in the deaths of millions of people. Meanwhile on MSNBC they drone on about “polls” that say people do not support Trump. If this is so true where the fuck are these people and what the fuck are they doing about what TRUMP is doing to us all and by “all” I mean the entire planet?
To play defense in football you have to figure out where the ball is going next. Defending against Trump is like a game with 20 footballs - a strategy planned by him and Bannon and his Project 2025 handlers. So the defense is taking time to ramp up. In spite of his neo-fascist dreams and the Nazi salutes and sucking up to AfD, Trump will find that America is not Germany in 1933. The courts are moving to block him, states are moving, activists are gathering steam, Europe is not going to stand down on Ukraine,, his ridiculous Gaza proposal is already dead... Hang in there. Keep gathering. Don't buy Tesla.