As I said at the beginning of the evening, Valentine’s Day isn’t exactly my favorite day. By the time Nico Walker had read his amazing piece and Dorothea Laskey finished reading her poetry I had a sneaking suspicion my feelings were about to change. Valley Latini came next and blew all of our wig pieces back (her song “BADDEST BITCH” is being released March 7th). The second set began with the timeless burlesque stylings of Kyla Ernst Alper (A TENSE favorite). Mr Walker returned to read of his love for his amazing wife, Rachel Rabbit White, a very fitting Valentine’s Day piece indeed! And lastly we were all blown away yet again by the beautiful voice
Of Valeria Chibis while her man, Sergey Ioroff tickled the ivories. A spectacular finale to a truly magical evening.
A special thanks to Lori and Denis for making KGB the iconic place that it is, to the entire KGB including T, Che and Adrien. A huge thank you to Rachel Rabbit White for helping curate an amazing line up and to Nico Walker for emceeing. Thanks to John Padula and Max Tullio for just doing what they do, to Eowyn Young and Hannah Wikforss-Green for making the flyer and getting it out and for keeping me sane. Thank you to Nick Dove for taking some beautiful photographs. Thank you to all the amazing readers and performers who dazzled us all. And, lastly, as always, but never leastly, thanks to all who came out and supported TENSE and laughed and danced and screamed and clapped and did whatever else you did! You make it all worthwhile. THANK YOU.
Please spread the word about TENSE !!! There will be more written content coming up soon. Hard to do when producing two huge events in one month but now that things will slow down a bit, hopefully I can get back to the original plan…
Next event…Resurrection, March 28th…details to follow!
Filled With Valentine’s Day Love,
Resurrection? Hallelujah! Thank you for such a great event.